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成功举办建筑献血活动的关键:了解你的租户 & Creating the Right Marketing Mix

By Celeste Villanueva

During the past eight years I’ve spent working in this industry, I have managed buildings with various levels of tenant engagement. While some buildings may not have an active tenant population, 还有一些大楼高耸入云,租户们会冲到大厅参加冰淇淋社交活动,或者在心里记着某个全楼活动的日期.

作为物业经理,评估你的建筑的参与程度是很重要的,因为它让你了解你所服务的人的需求和利益. If your tenants want to be left alone, giving them their space may be the best way to keep them happy. But for the tenants who are yearning for some activity, 作为项目经理,你还有额外的好处,可以主持租户急切地在日历上标记的活动. 您甚至可以组织同时满足两个租户需求的活动 and community needs. I was lucky enough to do just this several weeks ago at my building, 120 South LaSalle Street.

On June 10, with the help of the Red Cross and numerous tenants, Lincoln Property Company 发起了一场全楼范围的献血活动,捐出了足够的血液,挽救了111人的生命! 这是我职业生涯中组织的第三次,也是最成功的一次献血活动.  我们的目标是捐30品脱血(一品脱血拯救三条生命)。, 但那天结束时,我们向红十字会捐献了37品脱的血液.

We decided to hold a blood drive because our anchor tenant, The PrivateBank, wanted to give back to the community. The PrivateBank originally planned to keep the drive in-house, 但随之而来的担忧是,是否有足够多的人自愿参加这次活动. 私人银行的工作人员随后找到我,问林肯地产公司是否可以捐赠会议室空间,举办一场对整栋楼开放的活动. 我们完全支持这一倡议,并愉快地为会议室安排了一个时间. After the date and time was confirmed, we began to finalize the blood drive details with the Red Cross.



然后我们开始十大网赌靠谱信誉平台活动,鼓励人们做志愿者. 我的工作是张贴一个Captivate屏幕,宣布这次活动,并向所有大楼租户发送促销邮件. 私人银行通过招募“名人捐赠者”,在这项活动中引起了轰动,” including the CEO and several VPs. 有了“大人物”献血,人们也有了一种共同的志愿冲动.

波士顿马拉松爆炸案发生时,我们正在招募志愿者. 我们引用这个悲剧是为了让大家明白献血确实可以挽救生命. By tying our blood drive to a specific event, we felt we were able to motivate people to make a difference.

私人银行还与波士顿马拉松赛事有着更深层次的联系, 因为员工最近组织了一个公司跑步俱乐部,由每年跑5 - 8场比赛的人组成. The Running Club sent out weekly emails to recruit donors, 在休息室和厨房张贴传单,并在PrivateBank的内部网站上公布志愿者的详细信息.

By the time June came around, we had over 30 volunteers signed up. When the drive was over, 我们超出了目标7品脱,甚至在最后一刻从一些志愿者那里取了血. 6月10日,总共有43人献血,所有让活动成为可能的人都知道我们的集体努力得到了回报.

When I began to reflect upon the legwork it took to host the drive, I realized that there were five key factors that led to our success. 我想和你分享这些因素,因为我明白,当你的大楼租户无法保证会出现,或者你的大楼的血量要求会得到满足时,举办一场献血活动可能会让你不知所措.

这些建议是为了帮助你确定献血活动对你的建筑是否现实,如果是的话, how to make your drive memorable and successful.

1) Be aware of your own building’s level of tenant engagement. 如果你的租客不是一个活跃的群体,献血活动可能不适合你. But if you have energetic tenants who are eager to get involved, hosting a blood drive may be worth the time.

2)与主要租户紧密合作,策划和推动献血活动. 你和你的主力房客可以把献血活动的兴奋情绪传遍整栋楼. You can also have a unique feature about your drive, like the Celebrity Donors the PrivateBank recruited, which will incite a strong word-of-mouth campaign.

3) Communicate, communicate, communicate with your tenants. 只把硬盘的事告诉你房客的主要联系人是不够的, as they might not relay the information to their staff. 如果你的大楼有办法把信息传达给所有的员工, like a Captivate screen, that is a resource you should use. Furthermore, the blood bank representative 可能有一些用户友好的营销材料,你可以很容易地定制.

4)利用你的大堂员工,比如保安,来帮助十大网赌靠谱信誉平台. 我住的大楼很幸运,有一个非常外向的保安,他微笑着欢迎每一位客人. 他在通知租户献血活动并鼓励人们报名参加方面发挥了关键作用.

5) It takes a team to save lives. 不仅我们的保安和大楼的其他工作人员帮助传播了这个消息, they also donated blood! Saving lives is a communal effort, and this building rallied together to exceed the goal we set forth. As an added bonus, 共同举办这次献血活动是值得的,它加强了大厦管理团队和我们与租户的关系!

如果你对举办献血活动有任何问题,请联系我. I am happy to share best practices for a successful outcome. You can email me at

最后,我想强调,血库总是需要献血者. 血液的保质期有限,需要全年定期补充. 你永远不知道你花时间献血会影响或挽救谁的生命. I encourage you to organize a drive 到今年年底,这样你和你的房客就能有所作为了.